Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Who is the86collective?

Name: the86collective

Mission: challenge what stands for art in contemporary culture by introducing a rapidly progressive new generation of artists to the public, thereby propelling the very notion of creativity into an edgy, experiential future.

the86collective is a constantly reinvigorated gallery of 86 works, assembled by organizations in Denver, Miami, and Chicago, created by the most talented artists the medium has to offer. The collective aims to expose new masterpieces and also to discover new masters -- wherever they might be found. If you feel you might be one of these new masters, you're invited to submit your own work. If you're an aficionado, you're encouraged to visit the gallery again and again, exclaiming "awesome" at such times as you might deem appropriate.

See the vast gallery of masterfully created works of digital art. A virtual museum of light and space featuring top designers.

Also this website allows one to create their own works of digital art. Try it out and see!!

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