Saturday, March 28, 2009


Constructivism was an artistic and architectural movement that originated in Russia from 1919 onward which rejected the idea of "art for art's sake" in favour of art as a practice directed towards social purposes. Constructivism as an active force lasted until around 1934, having a great deal of effect on developments in the art of the Weimar Republic and elsewhere, before being replaced by Socialist Realism. Its motifs have sporadically recurred in other art movements since.

Artists Associated with Constructivism:

* Ella Bergmann-Michel - (1896-1971)
* Max Bill, painter, sculptor and designer (1908-1994)
* Ilya Bolotowsky , painter and sculptor (1907-1981)
* Norman Carlberg, sculptor (1928 - )
* Carlos Catasse - (1944-Present)
* Srečko Kosovel - (1904-1926), Slovenian poet
* Theo Constanté - (1934-Present)
* Avgust Černigoj - (1898-1985)
* Burgoyne A. Diller - (1906 - 1965)
* Sergei Eisenstein- filmmaker (1898-1948)
* John Ernest - (1922-1994)
* Günter Fruhtrunk - (1923-1982)
* Naum Gabo - (1890-1977)
* Moisei Ginzburg, architect (1892-1946)
* Don Gummer - sculptor (1946-)
* Erwin Hauer - (1926- )
* Gustav Klutsis - (1895-1938)
* El Lissitzky - (1890-1941)
* Ivan Leonidov - architect (1902-1959)
* Verena Loewensberg - painter (1912-1986)
* Marcelle Cahn - painter (1895-1981)
* Richard Paul Lohse - painter and designer (1902-1988)
* Peter Lowe - (1938-)
* Louis Lozowick - (1892-1973)
* Camille Graeser - (1882-1980)
* Berthold Lubetkin - architect (1901-1990)
* Estuardo Maldonado - (1930-Present)
* Kenneth Martin - (1905-1984)
* Mary Martin - (1907 - 1969)
* Vsevolod Meyerhold - theatre director (1874-1940)
* Vladimir Mayakovsky - poet, painter, designer and playwright (1893-1930)
* Konstantin Melnikov - architect (1890-1974)
* Vadim Meller - (1884-1962)
* John McHale - (1922-1978)
* Josef Müller-Brockmann - graphic designer (1914-1996)
* Tomoyoshi Murayama - (1901-1977)
* Victor Pasmore - (1908-1998)
* Antoine Pevsner - (1886-1962)
* Lyubov Popova - (1889-1924)
* Aleksandr Rodchenko - (1891-1956)
* Oskar Schlemmer - (1888-1943)
* Kurt Schwitters - (1887-1948)
* Manuel Rendón Seminario - (1894-1982)
* Vladimir Shukhov - architect (1853-1939)
* Georgii and Vladimir Stenberg - poster designers and sculptors (1900-1933, 1899-1982)
* Varvara Stepanova - (1894-1958)
* Enrique Tábara - (1930-Present)
* Vladimir Tatlin - (1885-1953)
* Joaquin Torres Garcia - (1874-1949)
* Vasiliy Yermilov - (1894-1967)
* Thomas Ring - (1892-1983)
* Dziga Vertov - filmmaker (1896-1954)
* Alexander Vesnin - architect, painter and designer (1883-1957)
* Aníbal Villacís - (1927-Present)
* Oswaldo Viteri - (1931-Present)

SOURCE: Wikipedia

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